The Catalogue of the 2nd International Mosaic Symposium at Chartres, 1998


This is a boon for anyone who missed the show itself. These Chartres international mosaic symposia are biennial, and consist of lectures and forums with scholars and artists, plus a big exhibition, on this occasion showing the work of 150 mosaicists. There were five prize categories: youth and student groups, amateurs, semi-professionals, professionals and a special category where the general public pick the winners.

Paul Siggins and Paul Cooper of Mosaic Studio, Leigh-on-Sea, England, were invited to exhibit in the pro class, and took Cooper's delicious "Nature Girl". They also gave a talk on the state of mosaic in Britain today. That talk is one of several articles in the catalogue, which is officially titled "Les Nouveaux Mosaïstes, Prix Picassiette, 2èmes Rencontres Internationales de Mosaïque de Chartres". The text is in French, you gather, but for non-linguists there are 180 splendid colour photographs, mostly of the exhibited mosaics. As the two Pauls point out in our Mosaic Studio feature, the amateurs gave the pros a jolly good run for their money.

The "Prix Picassiette" by the way takes its name from Chartres' other claim to fame apart from that cathedral - the Maison Pique Assiette, the Maison That Raymond Mosaiced. He was Raymond Isadore, who got bored working in the local cemetery and decided one day to cover the whole of his house and garden with pique assiette, broken china mosaics, done with great skill and artistry. Much of his work involved religious imagery inspired both by the cathedral’s stained glass and by his own life over 30 years. He died a decade ago and of course an American tried to buy the house and ship it back to the States. Happily Chartres woke up in time. As well saving the Maison the locals even started a back-to-work-via-mosaic community project.

If you would like a copy of the catalogue it costs 150ff, payable by bank draft or International Money Order, to Association des 3R, 5 rue des Hauts de Chartres, 28000 Chartres, France, phone 02 37 34 95 96, fax 02 37 30 08 61.

Note that at the back of the catalogue you will find a "Bulletin d'Inscription" to register for the October 2000 3rd International Symposium at Chartres.


Price: 150ff

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